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What to expect from life coaching

Mike Hall offers online life coaching - this is an image of a light bulb with the words "be inspired"
Finding the right coach for you is vital


As I've said before on my site, when it comes to working with a life coach, finding the right one for you is the most important part, and so having a clear understanding of how we might work together is helpful.


The importance of the first time we talk


Once you've made contact, we'll spend some time on an introductory call, where we'll talk about what you're finding challenging,


I'll listen, take notes and summarise, and after half an hour or so, I'll commit to sending you my thoughts in writing and set out a plan of working together. If you're happy to continue after some reflection time, we'll set up some paid sessions.


Four coaching values at the core of my work


  • Firstly, I believe that the coaching relationship is one of absolute equality. We are both bringing something of equal value to our time together. It’s important you feel that as much as I do, because it’s central to working together with me as a critical friend, with no imbalance in power.


  • Secondly, I believe that my clients have the necessary skills already to make the changes they want to, they’re just not clear on how. In any coaching relationship, the objective is to move forward, to make changes and to make those changes stick. Having spoken, knowing your background, and I believe we can make that happen.


  • Thirdly, I’ll always tell you it as it is. Listening is really important, and so I want to hear your voice, your experience. A coaching relationship of equality is an honest one, and so you can absolutely expect that from me.


  • Finally, coaching works through trust, mutuality and respect. I will do everything in my power to help you succeed, and everything we work on will be based on those values.


All those values are central to how we'll work together - note my language - work together, not,"when you work with me", or "when I coach you" - we stand together, not apart.

Be prepared to be surprised


There will be times in our coaching journey when I will have a hunch, I'll make a connection to something and we might explore that. That's happened with new clients a couple of times recently - one wrote to me and said she couldn't believe how accurate my judgement of her situation was in just half an hour - I'd spotted something which I presented back to her and it was a real wow moment.


I'll speak a lot less than you during coaching

Coaches are there to listen, summarise, ask powerful questions, and elicit the answers to help you move forward. This is your time. There will be times where as a coach, I'll spend some time talking to you, helping you reflect, but this is your time, and that hour will fly!


we'll work towards achieving your goals

During each session, we'll consider what the next steps are. How are you progressing? What are the challenges you're finding and how might we overcome them? We'll agree next steps, and find ways of continuously moving forward.

I'll send your notes of our coaching sessions


After each session, you'll receive a summary of our time together. The notes help you reflect on what we've spoken about, and clients tell me they find them invaluable because they help the hour that we've spent together soak in.


I don't need to sell my coaching, it speaks for itself


If you've ever wandered through social media, you'll find loads of people, especially in the US, who work to build coaching businesses through well trodden sales techniques, and what is always missing in those conversations is the person coming to coaching and more importantly, why. 


I get tagged by these people all the time, and it's all the same thing over and over, it's always about selling. You won't find that with me, I find those conversations disingenuous, and there's nothing less productive than getting to the end of a conversation and finding you've been down this road before.


So, when we start working together, you'll find that there's no pressure, just an easy, straightforward relationship based on helping you move forward.

Want to get started?

Get in touch, fill in the contact form below and we can set up an introductory call.

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